Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not Entirely Unexpected, But Still...

I lost my job a couple of hours ago. I'm not totally surprised, as mentioned in the post title, but I was hoping we could hang on there for a little longer. I don't want to give too many details, but I worked from home taking care of client invoices. It has been very nearly the perfect job for me, because the hours are were so flexible. I had certain days to drop the invoices off to the clients, and other than that, I could do the work pretty much whenever I chose. Trust me, when you're coping with fibromyalgia, flexible hours are a blessing. But we lost a client last week, and one today, so the whole thing's folding. Tomorrow is my last day, but I'll have very little to do other than close the post office box and set up mail forwarding.

This comes on the heels of DH's job overtime being cut back, which comes out to around $100 less per paycheck. So I'm not sure what we'll do now. With what's left of his paycheck after expenses we can manage--if we have no emergencies, and you know there are always emergencies!

I could look for a part-time job, but besides the difficulty I would have with set hours (which I would just have to find a way to manage) there are other considerations. I would need new clothes since I only have one pair of good jeans, one pair of grubby jeans, and a few nice tops. (Wasn't it Thoreau who said to beware of any enterprise that requires new clothes?) If I get another job, I will most likely have to drive quite a ways to get to it, and there will be no mileage reimbursement like I get now. I mean, like I did get (haven't gotten used to the idea of being unemployed yet!) Those things aren't small considerations. If I don't get a job, we could sell one car, and I'd be without one during the day. That's not as horrible as it sounds, because I really haven't been going much of anywhere during the day unless it's been work-related. So I could do any errands in the evening. If I had to do something during the day, like a doctor's appointment (not that I'll be able to afford that now!) Missy lives close by, and I know she'd let me use her car. She's kinda nice like that.

Well, anyway. I'm thinking on computer right now, just trying to adapt to the situation. Things will be fine, I'm sure. Now I really do have to knit from the stash! There won't be much yarn-buying going on here!


SewSweetStitches said...

Oh poo.
Guess I could take your resume, I *might* be interested in hiring you... hafta see some finished projects of course, you know, just so I can make sure you're fully qualified. Come on down for an interview, I'll see if I have any openings
We offer a great benefits package including unlimited grandbaby-sitting. You will also have a pantry fully stocked with ramen noodles at your disposal. After 6 months of continuous employment, you will be eligible for compensation paid in.. umm... love?

Lisa said...

Would those be gluten-free ramen noodles??

Jessim said...

Sorry to hear that- I hope you find something soon.

Ev said...

Here's keeping fingers crossed on your behalf. My thoughts are with you.

teabird said...

Oh dear. Awful. I'm so sorry. It's so hard to find a job that FM doesn't prevent - I'm thinking good thoughts for you.

Daniele said...

So sorry Lisa! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that something great comes along for you soon!

Thank goodness for the stash!!! If you run out of stuff to spin, let me know and I'll send some of my sheepies' wool your way! :) We can't start losing those spinning skillz!!

the captain said...

oh no! that sucks! (sorry, after the vacation and regular busy i'm WAY behind on blog reading). i'm sure something will come up for you soon.