Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heading for a finish, I hope!

This is the project I'm trying to finish by Friday, because Saturday begins the oft-written-of sock contest.

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It's a little more than half-finished, and I'm happy that I just started the second ball of yarn, because that means I'll have enough to finish it! You never know when you don't use the yarn the pattern calls for! I really should have had this done a long time ago, but every time I'd pick it up to work on it again, I'd have to relearn the pattern. Now that I've been working on it every day for the past few days, I don't have to count every stinkin' stitch. As with all lace, it will be far prettier once it's blocked.

I was a good girl and did a lot of stretching and strengthening exercises for my neck and back yesterday, so things are improving. I have another massage appointment tomorrow, and I hope that works the last of the knots out of my neck. I have to take care of this problematic neck because it affects my knitting (horror of horrors!) as well as my job. Worst of all, it makes it difficult for me to play my violin for any great length of time. So that's a real incentive to keep up the stretching program. Besides, I'm not getting any younger, so I can only expect more problems down the road if I don't take good care of it.

I started back to violin lessons this morning, so I have some things to work on. I'd like to get at least an hour of practice every day, but obviously I can't do it all at once. And it's usually best to do it when my family's not home! Though that's what practice mutes were invented for. I just don't know how many times they can stand to hear scales and arpeggios, even muted ones, before they crack up.

I've wound almost all the yarn for my socks, so I'm set up for the contest, even though that little voice in my head that just won't shut up keeps asking why I'm doing this. I dunno. It must be my competitive streak coming out. It's kind of funny--the only competitions I've ever won have been stupid baby shower games!

The evening is incredibly beautiful and cool. I should go flop in the hammock and enjoy it while I can.

More obligatory grandbaby pics. I think she can pull in Bolivia with those things on top of her head!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Baby pics. Thanks for sharing!

I too have neck problems on and off. I hate it when I can't knit. It helps when I use very short needles like the Clover flex ones. Not as much to hoist up in your hamds. Does stretching really work? I've had physical therapy (a long time ago), and it seemed to help as well.

Daniele aka mscreate.typepad.com